Each funded project supports the OSBF's mission of promoting the pursuit of justice and public understanding of the rule of law.
Review our list of recently funded projects to see the breadth of our work in the state of Ohio.
Organization | Grant Name | District | Amount |
Ability Center Of Greater Toledo | Disability-Friendly Business Project | 3 4 | 2023: $10,000.00 |
Adopt A Class Foundation | Careers in Law and Legal Services and Life Skills Mentorship for Greater Cincinnati Students | 1 | 2022: $15,000.00 |
Adopt A Class Foundation | Pathways to Law and Legal Services Careers through Mentorship | 1 | 2024: $18,000.00 |
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality | Justice for English Learners Project | All Districts | 2018: $40,798.00 |
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality | Medicaid Developmental Disability Waivers and You | 2 3 4 5 16 | 2020: $34,002.00 |
Advocating Opportunity | Beyond Colorblindness: A Legal Framework for Anti?Racism Implementation of Racial and Social Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives with | All Districts | 2020: $51,000.00 |
Akron Municipal Court | Electronic Information Kiosk | 11 | 2019: $17,000.00 |
Akron Municipal Court | Written Resources for the Akron Municipal OVI Court and the Peace of Mind Probation Program | 11 | 2019: $1,000.00 |
All Choices Matter | Improve Legal Outcomes Triggered by Youth Trauma | All Districts | 2020: $25,000.00 |
American Civil Liberties Union Of Ohio | Know Your Rights: Rights versus Reality | 20 | 2022: $35,000.00 |
Artemis Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence | Rights and Process for Civil Protection Orders Video and Printing | 2 | 2020: $4,452.00 |
Artemis Center For Alternatives To Domestic Violence | You Have the Right to be Safe Booklet Revision | 2 | 2022: $2,400.00 |
Asian Services In Action | Community Legal Education Project | All Districts | 2016: $30,000.00 |
Athens CASA/GAL Program | Every Word Heard | 17 | 2019: $15,000.00 |
Athens County Department of Job and Family Service | Reentry Services for Families of Offenders | 17 | 2011: $19,244.00 |
Battered Women's Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties | Understanding the Justice System Video | 11 | 2019: $4,100.00 |
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging | Mandatory Reporters Training | 2021: $40,400.00 | |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio | Juvenile Justice System Training | 7 | 2014: $1,488.00 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio | The Caregiver's and Advocates Guide to the Justice System | All Districts | 2016: $18,000.00 |
Capitol Square Foundation | iCivics Ohio | All Districts | 2016: $50,000.00 |
CASA Board Volunteer Association | CASA Changemaker Academy for the Summit County CASA Program | 11 | 2019: $8,600.00 |
Catholic Charities Corporation | Ohio Detainee Justice Initiative (ODJI) | 5 13 18 | 2018: $60,000.00 |
Catholic Charities Corporation | Immigration Legal Assistance for Vulnerable Populations | All Districts | 2017: $75,000.00 |
Catholic Charities Corporation | Friend of the Court and Unaccompanied Minor Pro Bono Program | All Districts | 2016: $42,640.00 |
Catholic Charities Dioceses of Cleveland | Pro Se Asylum Clinic | 12 | 2022: $15,000.00 |
Catholic Charities Dioceses of Cleveland | Cleveland Asylum Clinic | 10 11 12 13 18 | 2023: $7,500.00 |
Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio | Expansion of Immigration Legal Services | 1 8 |
2022: $6,325.00 2018: $5,348.00 |
Center For Holocaust And Humanity Education | A Case Study for Law Enforcement: Building Community Through the Lessons of the Holocaust | 1 | 2020: $10,000.00 |
Central Ohio Worker Center | Workplace Rights Initiative for Central Ohio Workers: Racial and Economic Justice Project | 7 | 2020: $55,000.00 |
Children's Advocacy Center Of Guernsey County | Expanding Services to Underserved Children in Need | 15 | 2022: $9,875.00 |
Children's Law Center | Juvenile Jeopardy Game | 1 | 2016: $15,000.00 |
Children's Law Center | Vital Legal Education and Outreach for Ohio's Youth | 1 | 2022: $19,400.00 |
Children's Law Center | Vital Legal Education and Outreach for Ohio’s Youth | 1 7 12 20 | 2023: $20,000.00 |
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation | Louis Stokes Scholars Program | 12 | 2015: $3,000.00 |
Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation | Cleveland Legal Collaborative | District 12 [Counties: Cuyahoga] District 11 District 10 | 2023: $25,000.00 |
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ohio | Know Your Rights Legal Fellow | 1 2 4 7 12 | 2020: $10,000.00 |
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Ohio | Community Record Sealing Clinic (Community Expungement Clinic) | 7 | 2020: $20,000.00 |
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Franklin County | Legal Education Program for Guardians ad Litem | 7 | 2016: $26,730.00 |
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Franklin County | Website and Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program | 7 | 2014: $32,835.00 |
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Franklin County | Guardian ad Litem FLEX Training | 7 | 2013: $32,000.00 |
Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court | Parenting After Violence (PAVE) Program Curriculum Development Project | 12 | 2022: $133,310.00 |
Disability Rights Ohio | American Sign Language Legal Education Videos Project | All Districts | 2016: $15,000.00 |
Disability Rights Ohio | Spanish and Somali Translation Services | All Districts | 2017: $12,200.00 |
Disability Rights Ohio | Special Education Fellowship - Parent Town Halls | 7 | 2021: $9,500.00 |
Disability Rights Ohio | Expanding Resource Advocacy and Awareness to Marginalized Populations | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $42,500.00 |
Do It For James Foundation | Enlightening Minds - Part 1 | 7 8 10 11 12 | 2023: $25,000.00 |
Dominican Learning Center | Legal Education Services | 7 | 2018: $2,200.00 |
Dominican Sisters of Peace | Martin de Porres Centers' Legal Education for Latino Families | 7 | 2019: $9,000.00 |
Dominican Sisters of Peace | Forging Avenues of Access to Justice and Opportunity through Legal Education for Latino Families | 7 | 2021: $14,700.00 |
Driven While Black | Driven While Black Podcast | 2023: $8,000.00 | |
Equality Ohio | Name and Gender Marker Change & Continued Expansion of the Attorney Referral Network and Education Project | 20 | 2022: $62,000.00 |
Equality Ohio Education Fund | LGBTQ Legal Clinic | 1471112 | 2017: $48,000.00 |
Equality Ohio Education Fund | Phase II of Equality Ohio's Legal Clinic | All Districts | 2019: $22,200.00 |
Equality Ohio Education Fund | Transgender Rights Education Project | All Districts | 2016: $10,600.00 |
Equality Ohio Education Fund | Establishing the Equality Ohio Legal Clinic Digital Training Library and Attorney Referral Network Expansion | All Districts | 2020: $50,000.00 |
Family and Youth Law Center at Capital University | Family Law Virtual Legal Clinic | 8 9 | 2018: $20,000.00 |
Freedom a la Cart | Legal Empowerment Workshops | 2021: $19,500.00 | |
Gahanna Middle School South Parent Association | Law Library | 7 | 2014: $5,000.00 |
Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association - unBail | Randomized Control Trial | 12 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Guardian Support Services Inc | Digital Marketing and Recruitment Plan | 14 | 2023: $10,000.00 |
Health Policy Institute of Ohio | Addiction Evidence Project | All Districts | 2018: $15,000.00 |
Health Policy Institute of Ohio | Connections Between Criminal Justice and Health Brief | All Districts | 2020: $15,000.00 |
Health Policy Institute of Ohio | Connections Between Criminal Justice and Health: Child and Family Health and Well-Being | 20 | 2022: $25,000.00 |
Health Policy Institute of Ohio | Structural Drivers of Violent Crime | 20 | 2022: $25,000.00 |
Home Based Arts | Children's Books | 20 |
2014: $42,000.00 2013: $40,000.00 |
Homes On the Hill | Landlord Engagement Action Network | 7 |
2018: $10,000.00 2016: $20,000.00 2015: $10,000.00 |
Housing Opportunities Made Equal | Legal Outreach Videos and Training | 1 | 2016: $30,000.00 |
Housing Research & Advocacy Center | Fair Housing Project | 20 | 2014: $25,000.00 |
Housing Research & Advocacy Center | Workshops on Fair Housing Laws and Rights | 20 | 2011: $11,765.00 |
Immigrant and Refugee Law Center | Volunteer Attorney Program: Providing Hope & Stability to Immigrant and Refugee Families through Increased Access to Legal Services | 1 | 2019: $50,000.00 |
Immigrant and Refugee Law Center | Immigration Law Manuals & Materials Translation | 1 | 2020: $14,000.00 |
Immigrant and Refugee Law Center | Immigrant Rights Curriculum for the Classroom | 1 | 2020: $7,500.00 |
Innovation Ohio Education Fund | Justice Agenda for Black Women and Girls in Ohio | 02 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Issue Media Group, with fiscal agent Cincinnati Development Fund | Strategic Grant: Civics Essential Ohio | All Districts |
2019: $99,996.00 2018: $99,996.00 |
John Carroll University | We the People | 12 | 2012: $12,000.00 |
Justice League of Ohio | Crime Victims' Toolkit and Crime Victims' Rights Trainings | 20 |
2014: $19,834.00 2011: $9,800.00 |
JusticeMobile Inc | JusticeMobile Program Expansion- Rural areas | District 05 [Counties: Crawford Delaware Marion Morrow Seneca & Wyandot] District 7 [Franklin] District 10 [Ashland Erie Holmes Huron Lorain | 2023: $21,500.00 |
Kent State University | Leveraging Community Voices to Advance Racial Equity in Police Training, Practice and Procedures | 11 13 | 2022: $49,642.00 |
Kent State University | Examining Organizations' Pledges to Justice-Involved Employees | 1 2 3 7 12 | 2023: $54,195.00 |
Kent State University | Youth Police Academy Experience | 11 13 18 | 2023: $15,000.00 |
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity | Opportunity for Inclusion | 7 | 2022: $95,468.00 |
Law and Leadership Institute | Law & Leadership Institute |
2015: $375,000.00 2014: $350,000.00 2013: $500,000.00 2012: $939,000.00 2011: $839,000.00 |
Law and Leadership Institute | 10th Grade Start Pilot Project | 127111214 |
2017: $120,000.00 2016: $120,000.00 |
Law and Leadership Institute | Diversity in Leadership Fellowship | All Districts |
2020: $110,900.00 2019: $75,000.00 2018: $95,803.00 |
Law and Leadership Institute | Leaders for Justice Series | All Districts | 2020: $42,000.00 |
Law and Leadership Institute | Diversity in Leadership Fellowship | 1 2 7 11 12 | 2023: $117,500.00 |
Legal Aid of Western Ohio | Plan Ahead & Protect Yourself: Series for Seniors | 4 | 2017: $30,000.00 |
Legal Aid Of Western Ohio, Inc. | Getting Legal Protection From Abuse | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $50,000.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland | Access to Justice: Leveraging Technology to Lower Barriers to Justice | 12 | 2019: $15,000.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland | Knowledge is Power | 12 | 2017: $25,000.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland | Expert Report on Availability of Safe, Affordable Housing for Low-Income Cuyahoga County Households (Special focus: lead hazards and racial disparitie | 12 | 2022: $25,000.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Columbus | Legal Help for Successful Community Reentry Project | 7 | 2019: $20,500.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Columbus | Statewide Kinship Care Provider Education and Outreach Program | All Districts | 2020: $59,000.00 |
Legal Aid Society of Columbus | Boss Up | 7 | 2020: $10,000.00 |
LegalWorks | Expungement Week | 12 | 2017: $15,000.00 |
LegalWorks | Support for service expansion and marketing plan | 12 | 2021: $15,000.00 |
Lorain County Bar Association | Attorney Incubation Program | 10 | 2023: $30,000.00 |
Make A Day Foundation | Expansion of Make A Day Foundation's Pop-Up & Mobile Outreach | 7 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Make A Day Foundation | Rent Assistance Clinics | 7 | 2023: $42,000.00 |
Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition | Racial and Ethnic Equity and Behavioral Health: Research, Reports, and Action | 2 | 2022: $41,400.00 |
Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition | Behavioral Health in Ohio: Improving Data, Moving Toward Racial and Ethnic Equity research and report | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $30,000.00 |
Mid-Ohio Psychological Services Inc | MOPS Ethics, Legal, & Diversity Training Expansion | 5 7 8 9 17 | 2023: $20,000.00 |
Midwest Ctr. Law/Deaf | "Pocket Cards" for Deaf Citizens | 20 | 2011: $3,000.00 |
NAMI Ohio | Answering the Calls of Veterans in Crisis | All Districts | 2020: $20,000.00 |
National Center for State Courts | Access & Fairness in the Virtual Delivery of Court Services | 12 | 2021: $76,489.00 |
National Institute for Trial Advocacy Foundation | Public Service Teacher Training Program | 20 | 2012: $11,708.00 |
Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland, Inc. | Consumer Law Manual | 20 | 2013: $40,000.00 |
Northeast Ohio Worker Center | Worker Justice Project | 12 10 18 | 2023: $15,000.00 |
Northeast Ohio Worker Center | Improving Accessibility and Scale of NEOWC Worker Services | 12 |
2024: $55,500.00 2022: $16,500.00 |
Ohio Alliance of YMCAs Foundation | Youth in Government Program | 7817 | 2015: $15,000.00 |
Ohio Alliance of YMCAs Foundation | YMCA Youth & Government Program | All Districts |
2020: $35,000.00 2019: $37,975.00 |
Ohio Alliance of YMCAs Foundation | Ohio YMCA Youth and Government | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $50,000.00 |
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence | Contextualizing Sexual Violence in Ohio’s Legal System | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $18,000.00 |
Ohio Association of Non-Profit Organizations | Standards of Excellence Clinics | 7 | 2013: $6,000.00 |
Ohio Attorney General | Sunshine Laws Book and Videos | 20 | 2013: $5,000.00 |
Ohio Center for Law Related Education | Civic Education Programs, Teacher Training & Outreach | 20 | 2022: $116,000.00 |
Ohio Center for Law Related Education | Civic Education: Programs, Teacher Training & Outreach | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $128,500.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | Mock Trial/Youth For Justice | 20 |
2015: $23,545.00 2014: $21,842.00 2013: $22,400.00 2012: $26,000.00 2011: $26,000.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | Law Day Speaker | 20 | 2014: $1,300.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | Moot Court | All Districts | 2015: $8,805.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | We the People | All Districts | 2015: $24,435.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | Law & Citizenship | All Districts | 2015: $9,450.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | Government in Action Program | All Districts | 2015: $26,500.00 |
Ohio Center for Law-Related Education | OCLRE | All Districts |
2021: $116,000.00 2020: $118,000.00 2019: $118,000.00 2018: $100,000.00 2017: $100,000.00 2016: $100,000.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Justice for Incarcerated Battered Women Project | 6212 | 2016: $45,000.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Workshops for Advocates of Victims of Domestic Violence | 20 | 2014: $19,250.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Legal Education for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence | 612 | 2012: $36,944.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Parole Education and Preparation Project | All Districts | 2019: $32,050.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Understanding Barriers to Safety for Marginalized Survivors of Domestic Violence | All Districts | 2021: $34,300.00 |
Ohio Domestic Violence Network | Seeking Freedom & Safety: Legal Information for Community Based and Incarcerated Survivors | All Districts | 2023: $25,000.00 |
Ohio Family Care Association | Resourcing Vulnerable Families | All Districts | 2018: $39,410.00 |
Ohio Federation for Health Equity and Social Justice | Grandparents and other Relatives, Kinship Care and their Legal Concerns | All Districts | 2019: $20,000.00 |
Ohio Federation for Health Equity and Social Justice | Educational Campaign to promote the expansion of the Grandparent Power of Attorney (POA) and Caretaker Affidavit (CA) | All Districts | 2023: $25,000.00 |
Ohio Humanities | Brown @ 70 | Statewide | 2023: $25,000.00 |
Ohio Justice & Policy Center | Second Chance for Victims of Human Trafficking | 1 | 2015: $40,000.00 |
Ohio Justice & Policy Center | Second Chance Community College Project | 12471213 | 2013: $60,000.00 |
Ohio Justice & Policy Center | Collateral Sanctions Database | 20 | 2011: $28,800.00 |
Ohio Justice & Policy Center | Digital Resource Center | All Districts | 2019: $50,000.00 |
Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program | Web based Diagnostic Tool | 20 | 2014: $30,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation | Ohio Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Project | 1247111214 | 2013: $12,500.00 |
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation | Legal Aid Impact Study | 20 | 2012: $16,805.00 |
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation | Veterans WrapAround | 7 | 2012: $40,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation | Ohio Legal Help | All Districts | 2018: $75,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Help | Content Expansion and Continuous Improvement Project | All Districts | 2019: $100,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Help | Continuous Improvement and Spanish Translation | All Districts | 2021: $100,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Help | ChatBot and LiveChat Law Student Volunteer Pilot | 20 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Ohio Legal Help | Legal Information and Action Plans for Mental Health | District 20 [Counties: ALL] | 2023: $35,000.00 |
Ohio Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Project | Lawyer to Veteran Outreach Project | 24 | 2016: $25,980.00 |
Ohio Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Project | Veterans Benefits Program | 20 | 2015: $19,500.00 |
Ohio Military/Veterans Legal Assistance Project | Reduced Fee E-6 Initiative | 20 | 2015: $7,500.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | NonProfit | 20 |
2015: $40,000.00 2014: $50,000.00 2011: $50,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | Rural Practice Training Initiative | 48915 | 2015: $30,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | Lawyer Public Speaking Training | 7 | 2012: $16,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | ONN Advertisements* | 20 | 2012: $40,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | Landlord/Tenant Video | 20 | 2012: $20,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | CLE Self-Study Training Videos | 7 | 2017: $60,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | Rural Practice Clerkship Program | All Districts |
2019: $41,200.00 2018: $40,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | Ohio Practice Skills Institute (Formerly | All Districts | 2018: $60,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | New Public-Facing Website | All Districts | 2016: $50,000.00 |
Ohio State Bar Association | My Ohio Rights | All Districts | 2023: $5,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Legal Education Project | 5678910141517 | 2016: $22,363.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Collaboration, Advocacy, Representation, Education, (CARE) Medical-Legal Partnership | 8 | 2016: $50,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Legal Aid Society of Columbus' Tenant Advocacy Project | 12 | 2016: $30,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Manufactured and Mobile Home Manual | 20 | 2015: $14,988.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Understanding the Rights of Unmarried Partners/Cohabitators Project | 20 | 2015: $12,394.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Kiosk Pilot Project - Fairfield County | 9 | 2015: $16,412.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Ohio Poverty Law Center's Advocate's Website | 20 | 2015: $30,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Legal Aid Society of Columbus' Wage & Hour Theft Protection | 7 | 2017: $34,027.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Legal Aid Society of Columbus' Clearing the Path for Students' Project | 7 | 2017: $32,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Southeastern Ohio Legal Services' Youth Law Project | 8 9 17 |
2019: $65,000.00 2017: $54,216.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Carroll County Consumer Education and Outreach Project | 14 | 2019: $21,773.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Ohio Poverty Law Centers' Advocacy Skills Training for Legal Aid Attorneys | All Districts |
2020: $9,000.00 2019: $9,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Ohio Poverty Law Center's Certificate of Qualification for Employment Project | All Districts | 2018: $40,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Stabilizing Survivors of Domestic Violence Project | All Districts | 2016: $25,000.00 |
Ohio State Legal Services Association | Advocacy Skills Training for Legal Aid Attorneys and Low-income Advocates | 20 | 2022: $10,000.00 |
Ohio Supreme Court/OJCF | Chief Justice Moyer Portrait | 7 | 2011: $10,000.00 |
Ohio University Foundation | Summer Law and Trial Institute | 17 |
2017: $26,636.00 2016: $15,000.00 2015: $20,000.00 |
Ohio University Foundation | Veterans Treatment Court Videos | All Districts | 2016: $15,129.00 |
Ohio Voice | Ohio Fair Courts Speakers Bureau | 7 |
2020: $10,000.00 2019: $15,000.00 |
Operation Legal Help Ohio | Judiciary Training- Establishment of Veterans' Treatment Courts throughout Ohio | All Districts | 2018: $8,500.00 |
Operation Legal Help Ohio | Veteran Outreach Initiative | All Districts | 2017: $36,360.00 |
OSU Foundation | Ohio Land Use Law Academy | 20 | 2013: $15,000.00 |
OSU Foundation | Ohio Legal History Initiative | 1247111216 | 2017: $8,732.00 |
Partnership for Violence Free Families | 4H project with Inmates and their Children | 16 | 2012: $3,273.00 |
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio | Using Technology to Grow Corporate Po Bono and Access to Legal Services for Nonprofit Organizations | 1 2 | 2018: $35,000.00 |
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio | Attorneys Strengthening Ohio Nonprofits through Legal Education | All Districts | 2020: $30,000.00 |
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio | Engaging and Strengthening Community-Based Nonprofits with Pro Bono Business Legal Services | 1 | 2022: $54,200.00 |
Pro Senior | Safe Ohio Seniors | All Districts | 2021: $20,000.00 |
Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland | The Red Treehouse Program | 12 | 2017: $45,679.00 |
Scranton Road Ministries CDC | Scranton Road Legal Clinic's Continuing Legal Education Project | 12 | 2018: $5,000.00 |
Services for Independent Living | Americans with Disabilities Act Conference | 12 | 2015: $11,500.00 |
Slavic Village Development | Eviction Prevention Pilot Project | 12 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Summer Work Experience In Law | Summer Work Experience in Law (SWEL) | 1 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
Summer Work Experience In Law | Summer Work Experience in Law (SWEL) | 1 2 7 |
2023: $50,000.00 2024: $100,000.00 |
Talbert House | Victims Services | 1 | 2022: $15,000.00 |
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo | Rights of People with Disabilities Project | 4 | 2015: $7,500.00 |
The International Welcome Center | Pursuit of Happiness - Educational Sessions on Navigating the Path to Citizenship | 11 | 2022: $10,000.00 |
The International Welcome Center | Pursuit of Happiness - Educational Sessions on Navigating the Path to Citizenship | 11 12 14 | 2023: $15,000.00 |
The Ohio State University | Aligning Algorithmic Risk Assessments with Criminal Justice Values | All Districts | 2021: $49,258.00 |
The Ohio State University | Collaborating on Educational Approaches to Enhancing Broad Representation in the Ohio Legal Profession, Other Professions, and Leadership Following th | Statewide | 2023: $41,170.00 |
Toledo Area Minitries (on behalf of Advocating Opportunity) | Human Trafficking Awareness Project | 20 | 2014: $55,991.00 |
Towards Employment | Certificate of Qualification for Employment Project | 12 |
2017: $16,100.00 2016: $11,804.00 |
United Way of Greater Cleveland | Right to Counsel - Cleveland, Community Education and Awareness Campaign | 12 | 2020: $50,000.00 |
University of Akron Foundation | Certificate of Qualification for Employment project | 471213 | 2014: $66,399.00 |
University of Cincinnati Foundation | The Legal Access Project at Cincinnati Law | 1 | 2018: $25,000.00 |
University Of Cincinnati Foundation | Ohio Innocence Project Cincinnati Murder Conviction Audit | 1 | 2020: $25,000.00 |
University Of Cincinnati Foundation | Social Justice and the Law: Assessment and Application in Ohio | 1 | 2022: $50,000.00 |
University of Cincinnati, Clermont | Justice in Jeans | 1 | 2019: $11,000.00 |
University of Mount Union - Spectrum Education Center | Courage 2 Communicate | 14 | 2022: $22,500.00 |
University Of Toledo | Launch into Law | 4 3 | 2023: $52,770.00 |
University of Toledo Foundation | Teenage Trafficking Forensic Interview Protocol | 4 | 2015: $20,000.00 |
Wayne County Probate and Juvenile Court | Help Desk | 10 | 2019: $2,300.00 |
Women Helping Women | Justice System Advocacy & Victim Rights Education for Survivors of DV/IPV | 1 | 2021: $12,000.00 |
Women Helping Women | Increasing Awareness and Access to Legal Advocacy Services for Survivors | 1 | 2022: $20,000.00 |
Women Helping Women | Increasing Awareness and Access to Legal Advocacy Services for Survivors | 1 8 | 2023: $10,000.00 |
YWCA Columbus | Racial Equity 101 Train-the-Facilitator Pilot | 7 | 2023: $30,000.00 |
The International Welcome Center
$15,000 to The International Welcome Center for the Pursuit of Happiness - Educational Sessions on Navigating the Path to Citizenship initiative. This project will fund virtual seminars and translation services.
Women Helping Women
$10,000 to Women Helping Women for the Increasing Awareness and Access to Legal Advocacy Services for Survivors project which will provide support, education, and legal advocacy services to survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
The Ohio State University
$41,170 to The Ohio State University Foundation for their Collaborating on Educational Approaches to Enhancing Broad Representation in the Ohio Legal Profession, Other Professions, and Leadership Following the SCOTUS Rulings on Affirmative Action Project. Invite approximately 80 Ohio stakeholders, to elicit new ideas to encourage broad participation in the educational pipeline moving forward and engage in problem-solving discussions about implementing widely- supported options for doing so.
University Of Toledo
$52,770 to The University of Toledo Foundation for the Launch into Law project which seeks to increase the number of historically underrepresented students enrolled in law school.
Ohio Legal Help
$35,000 to Ohio Legal Help for the Legal Information and Action Plans for Mental Health project which will develop new legal content to educate and support Ohioans with mental health concerns as they navigate the mental health system. Serving all 88 counties.
Ohio Humanities
$25,000 to Ohio Humanities for the Brown@70 Initiative which commemorates the legacy of the Lincoln School Marchers, one of the longest sustained protests of the civil rights movement. This documentary shares the history of the fight for desegregation in schools and the implications for racial justice today.
University Of Cincinnati Foundation
$50,000 to the University of Cincinnati Foundation to support the Social Justice and the Law: Assessment and Application in Ohio project which will conduct an assessment of the inclusivity, diversity, and racial equity of the legal profession in Ohio.
Northeast Ohio Worker Center
$16,500 to Northeast Ohio Worker Center to expand the Improving Accessibility and Scale of NEOWC Worker Services project. The grant will support monthly and weekly drop-in wage theft clinics, bilingual outreach, virtual services, and increased community outreach through training programs. Serving Cuyahoga County.
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence
$18,000 to Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence for the Contextualizing Sexual Violence in Ohio’s Legal System project which with create two training series to increase legal professionals knowledge about sexual violence and providing trauma-informed care, and educate survivors on legal system options. Serving all 88 counties.
Lorain County Bar Association
$30,000 to Lorain County Bar Association for their Attorney Incubation Program which will encourage new attorneys to practice in Lorain County by providing office space and mentorship.
Adopt A Class Foundation
$18,000 to Adopt A Class Foundation to expand its Pathways to Law and Legal Services Careers through Mentorship program. This grant will recruit 15 additional mentor teams, reaching a total of 1,000 students. The program includes modules with case studies, vignettes, and role-play activities to explore legal careers. Serving Hamilton and Butler counties.
Northeast Ohio Worker Center
$15,000 to Northeast Ohio Worker Center for the Worker Justice Project which will support wage theft clinics providing education on wage theft, overtime, classification, and harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Counties Served: Cuyahoga, Ashland, Erie, Holmes, Huron, Lorain, Medina, Richland, Ashtabula, Geauga.
Mid-Ohio Psychological Services Inc
$20,000 to Mid-Ohio Psychological Services Inc for their Ethics, Legal, & Diversity Training Expansion project which will enhance training programs to promote the education of justice, fairness, and collaboration with the legal systems for Ohio mental health professionals.
Make A Day Foundation
$42,000 to Make A Day Foundation for their Emergency Rental Assistance Clinics which will create Columbus' first completely mobile application site, providing tenants rights education and support to the zip codes where it is most needed.
YWCA Columbus
$30,000 to YWCA Columbus for their Racial Equity 101: Train the Facilitator pilot project which will teach high school girls in the Bright Futures empowerment program to facilitate racial literacy and anti racism trainings.
Ohio State Bar Association
$5,000 to Ohio State Bar Association for their My Ohio Rights project which will create new educational videos for students and young adults about civic engagement and the justice system.
Law and Leadership Institute
$117,500 to Law and Leadership Institute for their Diversity in Leadership Fellowship which prepares high schoolers from underserved areas for success in high school, college, and their future professions. This project will utilize law students as instructors and explore issues of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession and civic leadership.
Ohio Federation for Health Equity and Social Justice
$25,000 to Ohio Federation for Health Equity and Social Justice for their Educational Campaign to promote the expansion of the Grandparent Power of Attorney and Caretaker Affidavit project which aims to reduce the number of children entering the foster care and juvenile justice systems.
Ohio Alliance of YMCAs Foundation
$50,000 to Ohio Alliance of YMCAs Foundation for the Ohio YMCA Youth and Government Program which provides leadership training and civics education to middle and high school students. Serving all 88 counties.
Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition
$30,000 to Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition for the Behavioral Health in Ohio: Improving Data, Moving Toward Racial and Ethnic Equity Research and Report project which will identify areas of inequity in the behavioral health system, propose solutions, and make policy recommendations. Serving all 88 counties.
Ohio Domestic Violence Network
$25,000 to Ohio Domestic Violence Network for their Seeking Freedom & Safety: Legal Information for Community Based and Incarcerated Survivors project which will update Self Help Legal Manuals in English and Spanish and distribute them to domestic violence programs statewide; additionally educational workshops will be offered to incarcerated survivors on topics of judicial release, clemency, and more.
Summer Work Experience In Law
$50,000 to Summer Work Experience In Law to grow it's membership program which supports Black high school and college students interested in careers in the law. This project will fund student internships with government offices and nonprofit organizations.