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December 13, 2022

Trustee Spotlight: Velda Hofacker

We are so fortunate to have an incredible group of leaders on the OSBF Board of Trustees, and we are excited to spotlight our Immediate Past President Velda Hofacker! Velda has been a dedicated member of the OSBF Family for the past 2 decades, and we’re so grateful for all that she does for the Foundation.

Velda first got involved with the OSBF when she was at the Ohio Attorney General’s office in the summer of 2003. The 2002 OSBF Fellows made a request for additional volunteers to assist on their service project for Senior Citizen Day at the Ohio State Fair. Through her experience with the Fellows, and after learning more about the Fellows program, Velda was excited and grateful to be nominated to be a Fellow by 2002 OSBF Fellow Scott Mote.

“I could not think of a better mission than to educate Ohioans about the law and to strive for improvements in our justice system,” said Velda. “I had seen first hand the impact the OSBF volunteers had on the seniors we worked with, who were so happy to learn and receive assistance from an attorney. It was my honor to give of my time and treasure to advance the OSBF mission by becoming a Fellow.”

Velda certainly has found so much to love about being involved with the OSBF. She is proud of all of our programs and grants that advance the OSBF mission. But what she values the most is the people! She has especially enjoyed working with and getting to know OSBF staff, Fellows, grantees, and those the Foundation serves. Whether judging a mock trial program, speaking with students in the LLI program, teaching one of OSBF's many educational programs, or helping a grantee educate immigrants about their rights and responsibilities, Velda is energized and inspired by the work she does with the public.

“Some of my very best friends are people I have met through the Foundation," said Velda. "I have met outstanding attorneys who are passionate about volunteer service and giving back to their communities...most of whom I never would have met, but for the Foundation!"

Velda has served on numerous OSBF committees, participated in OSBF service projects, and attended OSBF events every single year after concluding her class year. She was honored to become a member of the board nine years ago. She then became President of the OSBF at the beginning of 2021. Due to restrictions on the use of vacation time for charitable purposes, Velda quit her job at the Ohio Attorney General’s Office after 32 years so she could serve as President! She has enjoyed having a role in planning for the future of the Foundation, representing the Foundation to the public, and working to get others involved in the work we do.

"I could have never imagined that one day I would have the privilege of serving as President," said Velda. "I have done my best to work with Fellow trustees to create a strong Foundation for the future!"

Outside of working for the Foundation, Velda enjoys spending time with family and friends, attending sporting events and other activities involving her nieces, nephews, and other special young people in her life. Of course, she can't help but encourage them to participate with her in various service projects. She is an avid bargain shopper and loves finding great deals on gifts to share with survivors of domestic violence, youth aging out of foster care, and those experiencing housing and food insecurities. She often travels all around Ohio to deliver gifts where they are needed most.

Finally, we asked Velda why others should support the Foundation. Her answer:

"As attorneys, we know the importance of the work the Foundation does. We see the impact of the law and the justice system on our clients every single day. But nearly everyone is impacted by the justice system at some point in their life, and we all have an interest in ensuring that our justice system is the best it can be, serving all equally, fairly and efficiently. That's why I also believe that individuals, businesses, corporations, and other non-profits should also support the OSBF. Supporting the OSBF is a WIN for ALL!!!"

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